Disgaea 5 Quick Platinum Guide - Part 3
Phase 3. Grab Carnage Eclair, enter its Item World, and start mastering all the subclasses, reincarnate, and get 10 million stats
Once Carnage Dimension is unlocked, you'll now have access to the full postgame. The main goal is to obtain 10 million stats, which is the minimum needed to tackle all the necessary challenges for Platinum.
Now the true grind begins. These are the things we want to accomplish next:
- Unlock all generic classes.
- Master all subclasses between all units.
- Level up one item to 500 (preferably the legendary Burning Karate you used to kill the Item God in) and turn it into an Epic item.
- Get all Item World related trophies
Pre-Grind Setup
Head to the Alchemy NPC. You can now make Carnage Eclairs. Have the Alchemy NPC make a Carnage Eclair, and make sure it's the only thing that's being made. Accept the 'Eri Eri Poko Poko' quest that unlocks the Shroom class. Go and clear 4-1 while destroying 3 Mushroom objects before clearing the stage. You should get a Carnage Eclair once done.

Go back to the Alchemy NPC and have him create Mr. Gency Exit, Filler G, and Diver-5.
Turn in the Shroom quest. Accept as many human class unlock quests as possible, plus the Imp and Orc unlock quests, and if any of them can be turned in, do so.
You should have gotten a Geo Blast Scroll from the first Chara World. Use the scroll on Killia to teach him Geo Blast. Make a generic monster unit, although you can skip this step and use one of the starting Prinnies, but keep in mind that any unit they Magichange with will explode when thrown. For future reference, I'll be referring to this monster as the MagiMon. We will be using this unit and Killia to get the Class Master and Item World trophies.
Create a high level Maid. Make sure she's at least level 30+ so she has Afternoon Tea. Create an Imp and Orc (these two monsters will be purely used for Magichange, so don't use any of these two as the MagiMon, as they need to remain an Imp and Orc) and 6 Archers. Equip a bow to each Archer.
Now that we've created an Imp and Orc, it's time to unlock all the monster classes. We previously held off on this step because it'll take more time to menu to the Imp and Orc on character creation due to more classes being added.
You should buy 5 Strange Feelers (monster weapon), Unopened Soda, and Fairy Dust from the shops, and use them to unlock some classes. For class unlock quests that require a specific type of item, Muscles and Orbs can be acquired in the hospital rewards, and Treasure Box and heal% items can be made in the Alchemy NPC. For Horsemen, a Legendary Spear can be obtained by talking to Void in the pocket Netherworld.
Arrange your party so that Killia, MagiMon, lvl 30+ Maid, and Usalia are on top of the party.
Subclass Grinding
The next step is to start mastering subclasses on Killia and MagiMon. Make sure to get the Workshop Intern evility on Killia before proceeding and set both Killia and MagiMon's subclasses to Warrior to start things off.
Max the enemy strength and EXP in the Cheat Shop, enter the Carnage Eclair, and when you encounter a Geo Symbol, Magichange MagiMon with Killia, then have Killia use Geo Blast on the Symbol. At worst, you'll get 5 stars worth of mastered ranks from destroying 1 Geo Symbol. You can also throw a Geo Symbol at an enemy to destroy it and get more EXP, but this is not always feasible, and the extra EXP does not really matter as we'll be reincarnating later on. Some subclasses will take more than 1 Geo Symbol to fully master. If this is the case, bring out your Maid and use Afternoon Tea on Killia so he can use Geo Blast again.
If the current floor does not have any Geo Symbols, check if you can quickly go to the next floor. If you can, do so to generate a new floor that hopefully has Geo Symbols. If you can't enter the next floor quickly, either use a Diver-5, or if you've run out of Divers, choose 'Return to pocket Netherworld' and go back to the Item World.
Once you're done mastering the current subclass you have, use a Mr. Gency Exit to go back to the base. Talk to Pleinair and change the unit's subclass to an unmastered subclass and repeat.
The following subclasses will take more than 2 Carnage Eclair Geo Symbols to fully master with Workshop Intern equipped:
2 Geo Symbols
- Ninja
- Lady Samurai
- Magic Knight
- Armor Knight
- Wrestler
- Professor
- Celestial Host
- Asagi
- Dragon King
- Nine-Tails
- Twin Dragon
- Horseman
3 Geo Symbols (none of these are absolutely required to fully master, mastering up to 5 stars is enough, which takes 1 Geo Symbol kill)
- Pirate
- Dark Knight
- Sage
An important thing to note for the subclass grind is: You only need to get up to 5 stars on all subclasses across all your characters. This means we don't need to master all subclasses on Killia! Killia will need to focus on subclasses that give a good amount of ATK and INT upon reincarnating. These are the subclasses I recommend skipping on Killia.
- Cleric
- Thief
- Maid
- Gunner
- Armor Knight
- Pirate (get this up to 5 stars only, there's no need to master this one)
- Undead
- Sludge
- Horseman
MagiMon will primarily focus on subclasses that give a lot of INT, so the above subclasses can be ignored completely on Killia, and MagiMon can master these in his place. Altogether, these are the subclasses I recommend mastering for MagiMon:
- Warrior (for Shaking Excitement)
- Magician
- Witch
- Clergy
- Cleric
- Thief
- Maid
- Gunner
- Ninja
- Magic Knight
- Armor Knight
- Professor
- Pirate (5 stars only)
- Sage
- Prinny
- Imp
- Rabbit
- Fairy
- Undead
- Sludge
- Slumber Cat
- Winged Warrior
- Flora Beast
- Sea Angel
- Succubus
- Chimera
- Nine-Tails
- Twin Dragon
- Horseman
During the subclass grind, keep an eye out for an Item World floor with 5-6 Geo Symbols that are all close together, and plenty of Geo Panels of the same color. If you see such a floor layout, throw all non-null Geo Symbols so they all end up on the same colored Geo Panel, then throw the Null Geo Symbol on a Geo Panel that's a different color from the ones the other Geo Symbols are on. Afterwards, simply Geo Blast the Geo Symbol that's the same color as the Geo Panel that the Null Geo Symbol is on to get the Geo Master trophy.
Trophies: 26 out of 51
There's a chance that you may encounter a Curry Mystery Room while doing the subclass grind. It looks like this:
In the event you encounter this room, check out what the Professor is selling. If she happens to be selling a Carnage Special Curry, buy it, as it's a rank 39 item, which is higher than the Eclair
If you do manage to get the Carnage Special Curry, use the Special Curry for your subclass grinding going forward. I don't recommend hunting down this room because it's random, but take advantage of it if you happen to get it.
Another thing you should do during the subclass grind, is bring out Asagi and have her throw a Geo Symbol on an enemy, which should level her up high enough to fulfill the quest requirement to unlock the generic Asagi class.
Throughout all this, you should be keeping tabs on your Netherworld Research expeditions. As long as you're diligent and check them every 5-6 Item World floors you pass, you'll be able to get the 'Seasoned Rocket Rider' trophy before this grind is finished.
Trophies: 27 out of 51
Once you've unlocked the Professor class, change Usalia's subclass to Professor, and Magichange her and MagiMon onto Killia at some point during your subclass grind and destroy at least 2 Geo Symbols with Usalia Magichanged. This is important because getting Medical Insertion onto Usalia will allow her to boost ATK/INT by +100% with a +4 Braveheart/Magic Boost, and she will be our designated buff unit going forward, and it also saves the trouble of creating a Professor to boost their Braveheart and Magic Boost to +4.
Between Killia and MagiMon, they should master all subclasses up to 5 stars for the Class Master trophy. As long as you follow the recommended subclasses to do/avoid for MagiMon and Killia, you should be able to master everything between the two characters. For evility purposes, make sure both units must have gotten at least rank 5 class mastery on the Dark Knight, and mastered Warrior and Twin Dragon.
This will be a lengthy process that lasts at least 20 minutes, but once that Class Master trophy pops, you're done and ready to move onto the next step.
Trophies: 28 out of 51
Sage Setup
Get MagiMon some mana by setting Mana to max and Enemy Strength to lowest on the Cheat Shop, then enter a Carnage item. Magichange MagiMon onto Killia and have him kill a few enemies, preferably using the sacrifice + Squad Attack method.
Now that we have excess mana to work with, we can get the Chara World trophies out of the way first. If you haven't already, accept the quest to unlock Super Overlord difficulty in Chara World. This requires you to clear Chara World in Overlord difficulty again. Do so with Killia. Turn in the quest to unlock Super Overlord difficulty. Clear Chara World Super Overlord difficulty with Killia. On both clears, increase Killia's Evility slots. The only tip I have here is to try not to get into multiple encounters with shadow clones without healing in between them first. Use battle items if you have to. Killia should be strong enough to handle everything else without issues. If you have a Rift Generator, you can try to cheese Super Overlord difficulty by using it and hope it sends you close to the goal. Clearing Super Overlord difficulty will give you a trophy, and you never have to deal with Chara World again for this playthrough!
Trophies: 29 out of 51
Once Chara World is done, pass the bill to unlock another Unique Evility slot for MagiMon and give it Izuna's Overload. Pass the Unique Evility Slot bill for Killia and Usalia as well, and if you haven't already, pass the bill to unlock Dual Magichange with MagiMon, and the "I Want a Trophy!" bill as well, since you'll be reincarnating MagiMon shortly and losing all their mana.
Trophies: 30 out of 51
Head to the Skill Shop and purchase the following Evilities for these characters:
Killia: Assault Attack, Magic Bundle, Purgatory, Power Axe, King's Dignity, Star Break, Fly Swatter
MagiMon: Shaking Excitement, Purgatory, Twin Heads, Explorer
Usalia: Medical Insertion
Give MagiMon the Twin Heads Unique Evility, then Purgatory and Shaking Excitement for the regular Evilities, and Mean/Smart Guy if there are any remaining Evility slots left. Give Usalia Medical Insertion as well. Now you can reincarnate MagiMon into a Sage. Give her the Raised Flag. Megaphone is recommended for 2nd weapon.
Place the Sage in the Elite 4 Squad so she gets better stat growths. To level up quickly, set EXP to max in the Cheat Shop and max out the enemy strength, go back into the Carnage Eclair/Special Curry's Item World and use the Sage to throw a few Geo Symbols at enemies, then exit once she's around level 2500. Make sure she has at least 2 million INT , as she'll need it for a quest later on. She also needs 2 million ATK or another quest, which will likely come after the next grind is done.
You can then set Cheat Shop Mana to around 500% with the rest to EXP. Set the enemy strength to 20 stars. Replace the Raised Flag with a non-elemental Staff (No Burner/Freezer/Blower). Place the Sage on top of the party, with Killia below her.
Now would be a good time to eat that curry, which should give you a trophy. Make another curry with 100 fist items in it.
OPTIONAL: Swap out the Mean/Smart Guy evilities on your Sage for Explorer Evility. This can help encounter Mystery Rooms quicker, which is needed for two trophies.
Trophies: 31 out of 51
Go back to the Item World of the Burning Karate, or the item you used to kill the Item God in. Now we can really start leveling it.If playing on PS4, and you still haven't obtained 'Capture Master', this is the right time to put Killia in the Capture Squad and have him use a capture skill on a random enemy to get this trophy.
Item World grind
Upon entering the Item World, rearrange the Sage's skills so that Land Decimator is on top.
From this point onwards, just bring out your Sage and keep spamming Land Decimator without moving and you'll kill everything in 1-3 turns unless they're on Invincible or Reverse Damage Panels. Simply skip floors using a Diver or heading to the exit if you see any of the aforementioned Geo Effects.
If you see a Level Sphere or Level Fish, and they are in close proximity to the Base Panel, bring out Killia to destroy/lift the Sphere/Fish before using Land Decimator.
You'll usually get two or more levels for clearing a floor just by spamming Land Decimator. Make sure to kill all Item Bosses (Generals, Kings, Gods). Keep doing this until the item is Epic and level 500. Once in a while, you'll want to exit the item and check the prisoner status and refresh your curry if it's run out. Have Killia in the Interrogation Squad so he can Interrogate all prisoners you acquire. Once they're all interrogated, dump them all into the Elite 4 Squad. You only need to level the Elite 4 Squad to 8, so you can stop feeding prisoners to the squad once that's reached
There's one freebie trophy that you should get by just spamming Land Decimator: the 'Netherworld War Victory' trophy, which is acquired by defeating an enemy Netherworld that randomly spawns at the start of an Item World stage.
Trophies: 32 out of 51
If you haven't already done so, set the Item World route to Mystery Room Route in Innocent Town. There are two trophies that involve Mystery Rooms: the Hot Springs and legendary weapon room. As Mystery Room contents are random, you just need to go about your business clearing the Item World floors and hope you get these Mystery Rooms sooner than later. Once you've gotten these Mystery Rooms, change the route to Item Enhance. If you've equipped Explorer on your Sage, take it off after encountering both Mystery Rooms.
Trophies: 34 out of 51
Most Mystery Rooms should be exited immediately, but some of the better Mystery Rooms to do things in are the Prinny Room, the Fortune Teller, and most of the rooms with a single NPC that triggers a fight with just them if you talk to them too much. Do these rooms to get extra Training Bonus, which increases item rarity.
You should run into a random boss called Proto Darkdeath eventually. If you encounter him, kill him with Killia or Tera Star from your Sage, which will give you a trophy. He spawns randomly at the start of an Item World floor, and you'll know he's arrived when the music changes.
Trophies: 35 out of 51
As long as you keep clearing floors and checking up on prisoners and curry, you should be in good shape, and eventually the item will reach level 500 and Epic status. You'll know the item has hit 500 when the level no longer goes up after clearing a floor.
Trophies: 37 out of 51
If you've made the item Epic and lvl 500, and still not gotten both Mystery Rooms needed for trophies or Proto Darkdeath, then go to the Alchemy NPC, have it make ONLY Diver-5's, then proceed to the next step. We'll come back and wrap those trophies up afterwards.
One-Time Bonuses
Next, we can take care of the 50 One-Time bonuses. To get these, you need to max out the Bonus Gauge in story maps, which will give you a fixed item. Simply enter old story maps, starting from 16-4 and working your way up, and spam Land Decimator with your Sage until everything is dead to clear the stage in a few seconds. For consistency, I recommend enabling the Back to Square one option in the Cheat Shop.
I recommend checking the number of enemies you've killed in the map, and enter stages that have 9+ kills. From what I've seen, having 11 enemies in the map will guarantee a maxed Bonus Gauge after killing everything with Land Decimator, so for maps with less than 11 enemies, use a few Filler items to increase the Bonus Gauge before spamming Land Decimator. This will take only about 15-20 minutes to do, depending on what stages you've chosen. Make sure not to enter the last stage of Fortress de Gaulle if you have Back to Square one enabled! The trophy Bonus Master should pop around the 5th-6th area if you've been working backwards.
Trophies: 38 out of 51
If you're still missing some Item World trophies, we can go back and take care of those now, since doing the previous step should give us more Divers to work with. Enter a non-carnage item, make sure the Mystery Room route is active, and make sure you are in a floor that does not end in 0, 1, 5, or 6. Now you can just keep using those Diver items until you encounter all the random events you need. If you run out of Divers and still haven't found any of the random events, simply return to pocket Netherworld via the Give Up option (don't use a Gency), then re-enter and repeat the Diver spam until they show up. If you're missing Proto Darkdeath, the Bonus Character route may help you encounter him quicker, but you'll still have to keep using Divers until he finally shows up.
Killia Setup
Your Sage should have at least 2 million ATK and INT for the next step. If she doesn't, place her in the Foot Soldier Squad and give her the Heavy Stance evility and it should get there. Head to the quest NPC. There should be quests towards the top that ask for 2000, 20000, or 2 million of specific stats. Accept these quests that ask for ATK and INT until you get to the ones that ask for 2 million ATK/INT, and turn those in for Intense Mean/Smart Guy scrolls. Teach all Extreme and Intense Mean/Smart Guy scrolls to Killia.
Now, we need to get Killia's stats up to take on the upcoming stages. You should have your Elite 4 Squad to lvl 8 at this point. Reincarnate Killia, and equip all Smart/Mean Guy evilities on him. Equip him with the Raised Flag and put him in the Elite 4 Squad. Set EXP and enemy strength to max at the Cheat Shop. Have Killia revisit the Carnage Eclair (or if you have it, Carnage Special Curry) at 20* difficulty and start throwing Geo Symbols at enemies.
After 3-4 Symbols are thrown, move to Carnage Martial Trial 4 and clear the initial stage with Squad Attack. Disable Back to Square One and pass the Triple EXP bill and go back to Martial Trial 4. Equipping a Fire elemental weapon while maining a Sword should allow Killia to one-shot the Bears with a Squad Attack. You can move on once Killia is around level 5000-6000. Alternatively, you can stick to throwing Geo Symbols in the 20* Carnage item or using Squad Attack on enemies in the Carnage item at 0*, until Killia reaches level 5000-6000
Go to the Cheat Shop, set to the enemy difficulty to 0*. Return to the stage where you 'fought' the Carnage Prinny, and actually kill him with Killia this time. You'll get a unique Evility slot. Now the real battles can begin.
Phase 4. Set up to beat the Carnage stages and Carnage Dark, get 10 billion damage, clean up everything else
This will be the final phase, we're ready to defeat the hardest boss for the Platinum, and tie up any loose ends.
Once Killia is leveled enough, we're ready to start the toughest string of quests for the Platinum: the Carnage Stages.
Every Netherworld has an accompanying Carnage Stage, which is unlocked by accepting a quest, which should be towards the bottom of the quest list. Once you clear the stage and turn in the quest, a new quest will be unlocked. Rinse and repeat until the final Carnage Stage is unlocked, with the toughest boss needed for Platinum: Carnage Dark.
For now, keep all the Mean/Smart Guy Evilities on Killia and keep him in the Elite 4 Squad, as he'll be able to reach 9999 along the way, and the enemies don't really post too much of a threat early on. Make sure you have access to the following things before starting.
Support Setup
Critical Curry (add 100 Fists)
Foot Soldier squad (Squad level maxed, and squad filled with 20 units and 225 prisoners dumped into it.)
Unique Evilities
Magic Bundle
Assault Attack
Common Evilities
Shaking Excitement
Star Break
Power Axe
King's Dignity
Fly Swatter
Support Crew
Angel x4 (Angel Song buff + Revive)
Maid with 3 Shoes (Afternoon Tea)
Usalia with Medical Insertion Evility, and +4 Braveheart/Magic Boost
Archer x6, each equipped with a bow
Imp (Magichange)
Orc (Magichange)
Izuna (Magichange)
Equipment does not really matter, but an axe and 3 sets of Carnage shoes on Killia is ideal, with Raised Flag as subweapon.
If you don't have a Curry effect active, consume one before proceeding.
Carnage Stages
Strategy for the Carnage stages is simple. For the stages leading up to Toto Bunny Castle, simply bring out 3 of your weak units and have Killia out, then end your turn. Buff Killia with Magic Boost from Usalia, surround him with 3 Celestial Hosts + Christo, and use Comet Disaster. Squad Attack anything that survives.
Around the 6th Carnage Stage, you will probably need to start exploiting Assault Attack to one-shot most enemies. Have Killia move as far as he can, then have a Maid use Afternoon Tea, then move Killia back and surround him with your buff units, and Comet Disaster should wipe out most, if not all of the enemies at that point. Any enemies remaining can be cleaned up with Squad Attack.
Keep the following things in mind for the later Carnage stages:
Carnage Toto Bunny Castle
Before attempting this stage, equip your best shoes to a human unit that isn't Killia, Christo, or a Maid. Send them up to throw the Prinnies that are high above via throwing. If left alone, the Prinnies can and will be thrown by the Wrestlers, doing more damage than anything else the regular enemies can throw at you. Once the Prinnies are out of the way, you might need 4-5 sacrifices to force Revenge Mode here, as most enemies use Fists, which reduce the amount of Revenge meter filled upon allies dying.
After clearing Carnage Toto Bunny Castle, Killia's ATK and INT should be close to 10 million. He should be able to hit level 9999 after clearing Carnage Fortress de Gaulle. Once both stats hit 10 million, move Killia to the Foot Soldier Squad and make him leader. Change Killia's Common Evilities to the following:
Shaking Excitement
Star Break
Power Axe
Trophies: 39 out of 51
Carnage Gorgeous
There is a little bit of RNG at the start. You must bring out 3 weak characters and have them all go next to a Dark Knight and attack it, then bring Killia out and hit Execute. Hopefully all the weak characters get counterattacked and Killia gets Revenge. If not, retry until all 3 Dark Knights counterattack. Bring out Usalia, Magic Boost Killia, have someone lift an enemy to open a path for Killia to move. Move Killia as far as he can go, bring out a Maid and Afternoon Tea him, then move Killia back near the Base Panel. The usual stack buffs on Killia with Christo, 3 Celestial Hosts and slaughter Comet Disaster should work here. The Twin Dragons will likely survive, but Squad Attack will finish them off.
Carnage Outer Dark Demise
Pass the All-Out Attack bill to increase the dispatch limit to 20. You want to use Christo in your group of buffers due to the high stats of the enemies. You need to get Killia's Assault Attack close to 200% and INT close to 30 million to have a good chance of killing almost every enemy with Comet Disaster here. Twin dragons that survive can be taken out with Squad Attack, and the boss can taken out with a Hellfire Shot after charging up Assault Attack.
Carnage Dark fight
Carnage Dark is a bit different. He's got a lot of HP (3 billion), has huge MOV and power. Fortunately, you need to kill only him to clear the map. Use the following setup for Killia.
Unique Evilities
Acceleration Shot
Assault Attack
Common Evilities
King's Dignity
Fly Swatter
Supporting Units
Archer x6, equipped with bows
Maid with Afternoon Tea
Celestial Host x3
Izuna or Nine-Tails
Pass the All-Out Attack bill before attempting this fight.
Make sure Killia is in the Foot Soldier Squad and is the leader. Squad must have 225+ prisoners and have 20 units in it.
The Fight
Turn 1
Bring out 3 weak characters to be sacrificed. Group them together and use Filler EX's with them to max the Bonus Gauge. Cast Braveheart on Killia with Usalia and have Killia stand next to Usalia and use Supreme Curry which will give you the 'This Calls for Teamwork' trophy if you don't already have it.
Turn 2
Magichange Orc, Izuna, Usalia, Imp, onto Killia (Orc Magichange needs to be the main weapon). Have Killia get lifted by one of the sacrificial characters. The sacrificial characters should be the only units that can be attacked at this point. End turn.
Carnage Dark will warp over and kill the sacrificial characters once you end your turn.
Turn 3
At this point, Killia should be the only unit out. Have Killia move as far as possible. Send out your Maid and Afternoon Tea Killia (this is to max Assault Attack). Have Killia move back so he is within 3 panels from Carnage Dark, and still can be surrounded by 4 units. Surround Killia with Christo and 3 Celestial Hosts.
Deploy 6 Archers, position them so they can all attack Carnage Dark.
Have all 6 Archers first set to attack Carnage Dark, then have Killia do a Squad Attack on Carnage Dark. Hit Execute and you should win and get the Dimensional Devastation trophy.
As a bonus, you will also get the 10 billion damage trophy and 20 combo trophy if you followed everything correctly
Trophies: 43 out of 51
This takes care of all the "hard" trophies in the game. Now we just need to clean up any remaining trophies.
Final Cleanup
You probably are missing a few trophies still, but they should all be trivial and easy to complete in a few minutes.
Head to the Interrogation NPC. Your prisoners should be capped out from doing the One-Time Bonus farming. There's an option to 'Make Citizen'. Do that and make 100 prisoners citizens for the 'Greater Netherworld' trophy.
Trophies: 44 out of 51
You should have accumulated a lot of Carnage items from doing the Carnage quests. Sell these until you hit 10 billion HL, which will give you the 'One Percenter' trophy.
Trophies: 45 out of 51
Go to Pleinair and reincarnate Killia. Try to pass a bill with a low chance of passing. Have the bill fail, and pay 100 million HL for the 'Making it Rain' trophy
Trophies: 46 out of 51
If you haven't done so already, max out the Life Support Squad and put someone in it. This will allow you triple jump in the base. Killia is reincarnated to lower his jump height. Now it's time to wrap up 3 trophies in the base, which are:
- Jump 1000 times
- Hit allies in the base 100 times
- See 20 skits
For these last set of trophies, you'll want to be triple jumping all the time. Move around the base looking for NPCs with a red ! over their heads, and interact with them. Do this until the trophy 'Netherworld Night Live' pops.
Trophies: 47 out of 51
You can also attack while in the base using Y on Switch, or Square on PS4. Find a unit you want to hit, stand next to them, and hit them with Y while making sure to triple jump the entire time. Eventually, you'll get 'Love with an Iron Fist' trophy for doing 100 hits. Keep up the jumping and stay close to the Dimension Guide NPC until the 'Plip! Plip!' trophy pops.
Trophies: 49 out of 51
There's one more trophy unaccounted for that you may or may not have gotten already: 'A Minor Setback', which requires getting a Game Over. The quickest way to get this trophy is to enable Back to Square One, then enter 4-5, and simply have your Sage use Land Decimator and you should get it. Alternatively, you can pass the Celestial Hell bill, enter the stage that unlocks (in the non-Carnage area), and show off Baal by having him kill off all your weak characters.
Trophies: 51 out of 51

And that's that. Platinum achieved. My best time for this is 4 hrs 15 mins. When I initially started work on this, I never thought the time would get as low as it has now. We're getting to the point where any significant time saves to this objective can only be had with godlike RNG. Is it possible to do this under 4 hours? Maybe, but the stars would need to all align perfectly for that to happen.